It's a long(ish) story, if I took it back to the beginning.
When I was small, I wanted to ride horses. For one reason or another, I didn't ever get to take regular lessons, so when I reached my twenties, and I found myself with a bit of disposable income, I started riding. I go once a week to a lovely riding school in Liverpool, and love it to bits.
This year, I found myself wanting to look at it all from a bit of a different angle, and bought a ticket for the Badminton Horse Trials cross country day, with a friend. We spent a considerable amount of time on the day taking photos with our compact digital cameras, and cursing when we had pressed the button too early or too late. And then again, when we had got the timing right, but the horse and rider came out in a big blur.
A couple more events later (showjumping and Chester and eventing at Barbury), and I had had enough. I was seriously jealous of the people posting on Facebook who had managed to freeze the action when a horse was perfectly poised, halfway over a jump, with its coat shining and it's rider's facial expression discernible.
I had to get a better camera. A DSLR in fact.
So I did, and I've not looked back. Well it feels like I've not really looked anywhere, other than through a viewfinder.
This brings me to the blog. I have a Flickr account (see right - please visit, I've been posting a huge amount on there), but I wanted a space for a bit of explanation, and maybe to record how I'm getting on. So I'm intending to post most of the times I have a new set on Flickr, to explain how it's come about.
That's about all on the background for now. Hopefully some more, and some photos, to come soon.